Cultural Capital
The term 'cultural capital' is a recent addition to the Ofsted Inspection Handbook, where it is described as "the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education".
However, the principles of Cultural Capital have always been a part of a child's Early Years education and can be found in all aspects of the EYFS. They're about a child having the skills, knowledge, values and experiences to help them make their own way in the world. Each child and their family have their own, individual Cultural Capitals and as a childminder/teacher it's my role to enable my mindees to build on these starting points and ensure they have the best experiences possible.
This is achieved through our adventures, which are carefully chosen to ensure the interests and needs of each child is met. They are often tied into the themes and topics we cover within the playroom which include anything and everything! Quite often they evolve and take a new direction, depending where the children's interests lie.
Here's a useful You Tube link that expains more about the Cultural Capital and was including in my own training.